Hrithik Roshan disclosed many problems!!!

S Venkateshwari
Hrithik roshan disclosed many problems!!!

Bollywood superstar hrithik roshan told in a recent interview that he had a mental trauma problem in his childhood. hrithik roshan is also very famous for his looks and dancing talent, although he had stuttering problem in his childhood. For this reason hrithik roshan used to be harassed by children in school as well. This was the reason that hrithik roshan did not have any friends in his childhood. Today we will tell you about the causes and treatment of problems like mental trauma and stammering in children.

Stuttering problem is usually seen in children. These problems of children go away with time, but sometimes they stay with the person for a long time. This stammering or stuttering is of two types. There is a Developmental Stuttering which is seen in children. This problem of children goes away gradually. The second is Onset Stuttering which is found in adults. In adults, it occurs due to head injury, shock or neurological causes.

Stuttering Causes

The problem of stuttering in children is due to genetic reasons. This means that if someone's parents also stutter, then the child may have this problem.

Sometimes children start stuttering because of fear. This problem ends with time.

Even if the child is compared with any other child or social pressure is made on it, the child starts stammering.

Stuttering Treatment

To overcome this problem of children, get the help of speech therapy specialist. 

This problem of children can also be treated by consulting a psychiatrist. Many times it is seen that due to stammering of the child, his mind also gets affected badly.

Yoga is also very helpful in reducing the problem of stuttering. 

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