Love and Relationship

Sure, a fulfilled love life is already half the battle in your relationship. But it doesn't hurt to spare a few thoughts beyond the sensual pleasures. It is especially important in instances when you ignore how to strengthen the relationship on a more emotional level. So, what to do? A more wide ranging activity, be it of cultural or sporting nature, should be on your agenda in the near future.

health and Well-being

There is no reason for you to relax, give your body the workout it deserves. You notice how your vitality has a positive effect on the people around you. Build on your strength and energy, if you encounter a period of stress in the future that requires you to be as fit as possible, you're prepared for all eventualities.

Money and Finances

Nothing can stop you right now and all your work seems to succeed. This is also true for money matters. There’s nothing to worry about since you’re on a winning streak. In case you have cash to spare, now is a good time to invest. You can then look to the future in a positive way, sure in the knowledge that your investment will be fruitful.

Career and business

It appears the teamwork you're involved in is straightforward and productive. Rarely experiencing difficulties with colleagues, you continually strengthen the relationships you have and offer assistance where necessary or if they ask. So if less favorable times occur, you're more able to rely on other's goodwill.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 15, 20


Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive
Weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
Cancer likes: Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends
Cancer dislikes: Strangers, any criticism of Mom, revealing of personal life

Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep close. Those born with their Sun in Cancer are very loyal and able to empathize with other people's pain and suffering.

The sign of Cancer belongs to the element of Water, just like Scorpio and Pisces. Guided by emotion and their heart, they could have a hard time blending into the world around them. Being ruled by the Moon, phases of the lunar cycle deepen their internal mysteries and create fleeting emotional patterns that are beyond their control. As children, they don't have enough coping and defensive mechanisms for the outer world, and have to be approached with care and understanding, for that is what they give in return.

Lack of patience or even love will manifest through mood swings later in life, and even selfishness, self-pity or manipulation. They are quick to help others, just as they are quick to avoid conflict, and rarely benefit from close combat of any kind, always choosing to hit someone stronger, bigger, or more powerful than they imagined. When at peace with their life choices, Cancer representatives will be happy and content to be surrounded by a loving family and harmony in their home.

Cancer - the Brave Crab Sent to this Earth by something they believe in, only to mess with someone bigger than they are, this isn't an animal aware of their strength. Patriotism can make them endanger their own wellbeing, fighting for someone else's cause, as if others can become their higher power. The Crab knows where they're going, but this is often in a wrong direction, at least until they learn their lessons and start relying solely on themselves.

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