How much battery does it cost to light the headlights?


How much battery does it cost to light the headlights? 

The headlights of a car are one of the most important parts of a car. They not only help you see the road at night but also tell other vehicles about your presence. But do you know what effect turning on the headlights has on the battery of your car? Let's know.

What is the relationship of car headlights with battery?

Let us tell you that the car battery is an important part of the car's electrical system. It works to start the engine and power other electronic devices of the car. When you turn on the headlights of the car, it draws power from the battery. If you keep the headlights on for a long time, the battery may discharge and the car will not start.

How much battery does it cost to light the headlights?

There is no one direct answer to this question because it depends on many things, such as the capacity of the battery is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). The higher the capacity of the battery, the longer it will be able to power the headlights. The power of headlights is measured in Watts (W). The higher the power of the headlights, the more power they will draw. Also, the capacity of the battery decreases in cold temperatures, so the battery can discharge quickly when the headlights are lit and if you are using other electronic devices of the car along with the headlights, then there will be more pressure on the battery.

Effect on battery

Now if your car battery is 50 AH, then lighting the headlights for two hours will consume about 9.16 AH. This is a small part of the total capacity of the battery, but despite this, if your battery is already weak or many electrical devices are running, then it can affect the condition of the battery. At the same time, the capacity of a normal car battery is usually 12 volts and its rating is usually between 40 to 70 AH (Amp-Hour). This means that the battery can last for about 40 to 70 hours at a load of one ampere.

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