BALAGAM Movie Review - The Good, Bad and Ugly Side of Humans - MUST WATCH

A cheerful and upbeat country patriarch with the energy of a teenager, Komarayya is a happy-go-lucky character. As soon as he ascends to the heavens, tensions within his family soar. Although Sailu, his grandson, worries about paying back his debt, his father and uncle engage in an ego struggle to establish their dominance. The younger son of Komarayya is also interested in some family estate. Will the family actually show compassion for the deceased person despite their own self-interests?

Isn't the only reality of life and death? It has a lot of drama, so it makes sense. When discussing death and legacy with a well-known critic a few years ago, irrfan khan stated, "Humans will inevitably twist and utilize anything you leave behind for their convenience." These few phrases capture the essence of Balagam in a nutshell.

Balagam exposes the unpleasant reality of how most joint families cope with the loss of a patriarch, despite its rural telangana location. Beyond grieving, there is a struggle to preserve one's heritage, assert one's rightful place in the pie, and satisfy one's ego in the name of tradition. When the tying force is off, a family's true colors are revealed.

Balagam is an appeal for a family to stand as a "unit" in times of need, with a sensitive mash-up of self-deprecating humor, drama, and love for the soil. It showcases a family's reaction to death by alternating between being a dark comedy, drama, and tearjerker. venu Yaldandi, a comedian-turned-director, moves his story along with funny one-liners filled with philosophy, a raw musical score, and a fine mix of well-known actors and non-actors.

When the movie avoids trying to be excessively sentimental about death, it performs best. Its strength is the dark humor that highlights human peculiarities. A soon-to-be-married couple finds time for romance while attending a funeral, an elderly woman yearns for a soft drink, and another man anxiously awaits his chance to enjoy a beer. venu simply accepts his characters as they are, without passing judgement on their flaws. venu makes a strong start as a filmmaker with this film. In the future, it would be wonderful to watch him attempt a full-fledged rural comedy or a romance. He has good taste in music, dialogue, and gives his cast—big or small—meaty, flavorful characters.

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