Hand care tips

Sekar Chandra
  1. Use Sunscreen

Sun exposure can cause liver spots or brown spots and wrinkles on your hands and they will look older than your age. Apply sunscreen lotion or sun-block cream before you go out in the sun light. Keep a travel data-size tube of sun screen in your purse to use at times when your hands are to be exposed to the sun unexpectedly. If it is not available at such times, you can use a hand moisturizer with an SPF 15 or more.

  1. Exfoliate your hands

Gently rub back of your damp hands with salt or sugar, then rinse. The grainy texture of the salt scrape away old dead skin cells and improves blood circulation, making your hands’ skin look fresh and glowing. Alternatively, you can use facial exfoliant on your thin-skinned back of hands instead of scrub which you use for your body.

  1. Beauty tips for hand treatment

Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, glycerin and 5 drops of rose water in a small bottle. Massage your hands and cuticles with this mixture for at least 10-15 minutes. Mix Glycerin and cucumber and apply this on your hands to give them a fresh look. You can also apply egg white on your hands. This works as a good hand mask and will keep your skin on the back of your hands tight and prevent wrinkles formation.

  1. Moisturize your hands

For day time use, choose a light, water base, fast absorbing moisturizing hand lotion. On the other hand, a heavier oil based cream is good for night, so that it may soak in while you are sleeping to leave soft and hydrated hands in the morning. If you have to go through multiple washing of your hands due to lot of house work, start and end your day with a heavy best hand cream for added protection.

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