Ways to use Olive Oil for Beauty

Sekar Chandra

Olive oil is very rich in vitamins, minerals and natural fatty acids. It’s also convenient for a sensitive skin. Olive oil is a powerful ingredient of anti-aging skin care products.

  1. Olive oil bath

To prepare the olive oil bath, just add 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into your bathtub and you are done. Massage your body with the extra virgin olive oil before hopping into your bathtub, after you finish taking your bath, pat your skin dry and wipe away the excess oil.

  1. Olive oil body lotion

 I love to apply olive oil all over my body, while in the shower, right after I used the shower gel and after the application of olive oil body lotion my skin feels extremely soft and very smooth.

  1. Olive oil to strengthen nails

A warm olive oil bath for nails is an excellent way to strengthen them. It takes only 5 or 10 minutes. Just soak your nails in slightly warmed up olive oil (it shouldn’t be too hot, just a room temperature). Do this treatment once or twice a week and enjoy strong, shiny and healthy nails.

  1. Olive oil as eye cream

You can use olive oil as an eye cream. It will nourish the tender skin around your eyes and soften fine lines. Gently dab some olive oil under your eyes before bed time or in the morning. Keep your olive oil eye cream in the fridge and enjoy refreshing, vitamin filled beauty treatment.


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