Tricks for growing your hair really long

Sekar Chandra
  1. Switch up your pony placement

It's an easy move that can help maintain the integrity of your strands wherever you tend to secure your ponytail all the time, which means they'll continue to grow out strong and damage-free.

  1. Brush your hair like its spun from Gold

When you detangle wet hair, be sure to start from the bottom and work your way up we often instinctually go from the scalp down but that just brings small tangles into one large knot and can cause you to lose a lot of hair.

  1. Try hair boosting supplements

Your body requires many vital nutrients to create new hair, from ample protein to a slew of essential minerals. So take a look at your diet because while eating a balanced diet helps, you may not be getting the proper amount of all the hair building nutrients needed to create healthy hair that can grow super-long and withstand damage.

  1. Don’t shampoo every time you shower

The purpose of shampoo is to wash away dirt and product buildup, but it can also take essential natural oils that keep strands soft and healthy along with it. When you really do need shampoo, be gentler on your hair by only lathering up at your scalp and then simply letting the suds slide down strands, hitting the rest of the hair as the water rinses it away.



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