Maintain your beauty this Summer season


Moisturizing is absolutely essential. Simply moisturize, there are no two ways about it. You may think that winters are over, and skip that part of your regimen, but no, not happening. The problem with summers is the extreme heat that dehydrates your body and makes your skin dry. Dry skin is prone to damage and dullness, and you need to butter it up to make up for the moisture loss. The moisturizer acts as a barrier for pollutants, bacteria, and sunburn.

Exfoliation also makes your data-face a better canvas to apply makeup on. Make sure you alternate between homemade and market bought exfoliators to maintain a balance and also, do not exfoliate every day because that can cause over scrubbing of the skin and lead to redness, rashes, and breakouts. Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week using a circulatory motion.

Protect your skin with sunscreen before it gets damaged by the sun, because let me remind you, prevention is better than cure. Sun rays are a cause for many skin issues, such as dry skin, brown spots, and fine lines. Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 (at least) and apply it generously on your skin. Reapply it every few hours.

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