Using Lotus packs makes skin brighter


lotus and milk pack for brighter skin

This herbal lotus and milk data-face pack will help you get radiant skin. The vitamin c in lotus helps reduce dark spots, while the lactic acid and vitamin a in milk regenerate skin cells faster, which improves your blood circulation and gives you lighter skin.

Clean 10-12 lotus petals and crush them with 5 tbsp. s of raw milk. Massage this paste onto your data-face and let it stay for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Do this once a week for glowing skin.

lotus and sandalwood pack for anti-ageing

This data-face mask is a great way to prevent skin ageing. lotus and sandalwood both contain antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging your skin, thus reducing ageing. The polysaccharides in honey increases skin cell function, giving you glowing skin.

Take 10 lotus petals and cleanse them. Grind the petals in a blender with ½ teaspoon milk. Add 2 tbsp. Sandalwood powder and 1/2 tbsp.  honey to it. Mix well and apply it on your data-face and neck. Leave it on for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Use this paste once a month to get supple skin.

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