How dark skin actresses add their beauty?
Having a dark skin tone means that you have a different set of makeup rules from those that pale skinned girls follow and different tricks that you can use to make the most of your beautiful dusky complexion. It also means that you can use different shades of makeup and employ different techniques to bring out the best in your natural skin color.
Use sunscreen as you may well not burn as easily as a fair skinned woman would, but the sun will still damage your skin and speed up the ageing process if you don’t use sunscreen. To keep your skin looking young and beautiful and to make the most of that radiant dark skin, moisturize every day with a good quality moisturizer and moisturize your body after every shower. Always remove all your makeup at night, use a good facial cleanser to keep your skin perfectly clean. Never pick at pimples, or you could be left with scars on your skin.
Dark skin makes the darker shades of eye shadow look fantastic. One of good eye makeup tips for dark skin is to try shades like burgundy, green, copper and brown. Avoid bright colors, lipsticks with a frosty finish and don’t go overboard with the gloss. Colors like berry, plum, gold and burgundy, or beige and coffee shades will look the best. Choose a powder that is as close to your natural skin tone as you can fund and don’t apply too much, or it will look cakey on your skin.