A glass of Red wine a day, keeps the doctor away !


What we have mentioned is not wrong. It is not just the apple which will keep the doctor away, It is also the Red wine. Girls, who are longing for a slim waistline can take Red wine. 

Most people don't know the fact that the colour of red wine comes from the grape skin that has antioxidant properties, not the grape itself. Red Wine is more good for skin and in fact this prevents aging of skin.  It has antioxidants like flavonoid, resveratrol and tannin which help fight aging by restoring collagen and elastic fibers.  

Red wine can refurnish the skin and it will provide the much needed glow. For massage on data-face, mix red wine with rose-hip, strawberries, grapes and essential oils and then give a gentle massage for 15 minutes. Your data-face will glow. If not, just splash the red wine on your data-face and massage for 15 minutes. 

The polyphenols inside it can completely change the dull complexion. To remove dead skin cells, just mix the red wine with two tea spoons of oatmeal and massage gently. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties clears the pores too.

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