Is BB cream a necessity

Sekar Chandra
Those are the good old days where looking good matters on eating the right diet and following a healthy life style. These days it is all about make up and beauty parlour. Everyone of the woman walks out with Face Powder, Mascara, Kohl, Eye Liner and a Bright Lipstick.

Wearing make-up has often became like a ritual. Even if you are blessed with a good skin that is well hydrated, sometimes it is not enough. So now we introduce you the BB cream. This is the magic potion which is used by most of the cosmetic companies.

So What is a BB cream ? It is also known as Beauty Balm and Blemish Balm cream and it was first formulated in 1960's by a dermatologist named Dr. Christine Schrammek in Germany. It aims at providing your skin with a one-time absolute beauty-cum-cosmetic treatment.

This is a multipurpose product. It is the base for everything. It reduces the acne spots and also has anti-pigmentation, anti-ageing properties. BB cream can always be a rescuer when you rush to work or go to a party Always keep in mind that you must let the cream settle down. Apply and wait for at least 20 minutes before you go out.

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