Benefits of Pudina (Mint) for your skin.

Sekar Chandra
Mint is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, using mint juice on the skin can help soothe mosquito bites and other irritations. It also helps to soften and calm dry or itchy skin. Mint leaves work on most types of acne. It also helps remove acne naturally without any side effects.

Apply mint oil to your hair 3-4 times every week. Massage nicely and keep it on for 30 minutes (before a shower). Doing this will help get rid of lice, as mint is a natural repellent for insects. Do this regularly for a few weeks or months to completely remove any traces of lice from the hair.

Take some oats and mix it with mint juice. Scrub your skin with this solution to remove dead skin cells. Doing this will also hydrate and moisturize your skin. Not just that, this is also a great way to remove or lighten pimple marks. Using mint leaves for skin controls oiliness as it contains Vitamin A. It rejuvenates and refreshes the skin making it bright and soft. Using mint will be your natural way of getting oil-free naturally glowing skin.

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