BEAUTY : Remedies for cracked heels

Sekar Chandra
Cracked heels are a very common problem and can range in severity from a cosmetic issue to a painful problem. A variety of vegetable oils can be used to treat and prevent cracked heels. Olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil or any other hydrogenated vegetable oil will work. First soak your feet in soapy water and scrub your feet with a pumice stone.

Wash your feet and then dry them thoroughly and apply any vegetable oil liberally on your heels and soles. Put on a pair of clean socks and leave them on overnight while you sleep. In the morning, your heels will be noticeably softer. Repeat this for a few days until the cracks in your heels are gone completely.

The acidic property in lemons can be very effective in softening rough skin that leads to cracking. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes in warm water with lemon juice added to it.

Avoid using very hot water, which can cause your feet to dry out more. Scrub your cracked heels using a pumice stone. Wash your feet and pat dry with a towel.

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