Secret to a flawless young skin


All women long to have a flawless young skin, but unfortunately for many women it is just a dream.It might be either because of pollution,food habit, heredity and others .But still it can be treated is the good news today.Let me share some aspects of science for this.Well our body has its own turn around time to chuck out the toxins out of the body and so is the skin too.Our skin regeneration time around  15 days approximately.During this regeneration process, the skin sheds its old cells and the new fresh skin appear.Now here is where our skin routine can be altered.Vitamin-A is the only beauty tonic which is responsible skin regeneration.

Vitamin-A is present in high ratios in carrots, papayas, liver.When these are consumed on regular basis they improve your skin texture considerably.This is a helathy tip .But Medical field has improved drastically which has offered us with Vit-A creams.These cream just accelerate the skin rejenuvation process and assures you for visible results in a span of 2 weeks or so.They are commonly prescribed by Cosmetologists .

This is the main secret for the celebrity crowd to maintain young skin even at 40's.But it not recommended for a long term dosage , it can be applied topically for 2 months and you will be astonished by its awesome results.It clears the clogged pores,removes fine wrinkles and so on.

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