Quick and Easy Itch relief


Oatmeal for itching

Oatmeal's avenanthramides block the release of inflammatory compounds, dramatically reducing itchiness. Grind 2 cups uncooked oatmeal into a coarse powder in a blender. Add 1/4 cup baking soda, mix, and store in a jar. Add 1 cup to a warm bath to soothe sunburned skin, or mix a handful with water until thick, and then apply the paste to relieve poison ivy.

Coconut Oil

Perspiration, sunscreen, and even sunlight can cause eczema flare-ups, so cozy up to coconut oil. It contains lauric acid and its derivative, monolaurin, which kill bacteria. Staph bacteria are common in people with eczema, perpetuating the redness, itch, and inflammation. Apply coconut oil twice a day to the affected area for at least 4 weeks.

Iodized Salt for allergies

Pour 8 ounces boiled water over 1/4 teaspoon no iodized kosher salt and 1/8 teaspoon baking soda. Pour into a neti pot (a container for rinsing the nasal cavity). Stand over a sink, tilt your head to one side, and gently insert the spout into your top nostril. Water will flow out the other nostril.

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