Arya, who was recently successful with Sarpatta Parambarai, is back with Aranmanai 3, which is helmed by Sundar C. Aranmanai is a renowned horror comedy franchise in tamil cinema that has been a box office hit. Aranmanai 3 tells the storey of a ghost who seeks vengeance against the man who murdered her and her kid. Aranmanai 3 features a family, a haunted palace, two ghosts, and a few priests, all of which are typical elements of a horror film. Andrea portrays a ghost that seeks retribution for her wrongdoings. Was the ghost able to exact vengeance on the man who murdered her?
For Aranmanai 3, filmmaker Sundar. C has stuck to the tried-and-true format and doesn't aim to be too original or fresh. If you don't mind watching a pre-made horror film, Aranmanai 3 could be entertaining. However, if you were hoping for something new or thrilling from the film, you will be disappointed. The film lacks any interesting segments to keep the audience engaged, except from the emotional yet frightening intermission block.
Aranmanai 3 would have been a compelling horror drama if there had been more sequences like these. The screenplay is unable to keep the audience's interest for an extended period of time. arya looks muscular and in great shape, and he gives a solid performance with no complaints. arya is the film's main character, but he only appears in a few scenes. Despite having Vivekh and yogi Babu, only a few comedic sequences work. Sundar.trademark C's is peppered throughout Aranmanai 3, a templated horror flick.