Elon Musk company service banned in India .. What the heck ..!

Sindujaa D N

It is well known that SpaceX, headed by Elon Musk, the world's richest man, is planning to launch a high-speed broadband service in india through its Starling service.

In this case, SpaceX is prohibited from providing pre-order service and receiving pre-orders for Starling.

Federal Ministry of Telecommunications

SpaceX's Starling service is not yet licensed in india, so the Federal Ministry of Telecommunications has advised people in india not to book Starling service. This has come as a shock to those who have already booked the Starling service.

Starling Service

 Elon Musk-led SpaceX is currently offering a $ 99 pre-booking service Starling in india, the Federal Ministry of Telecom has announced.

Government of india Rules

According to a statement issued by the Federal Telecom Department, the Starling service in india is being advertised to the public unless it is licensed. The federal government has not only urged SpaceX india to comply with indian government regulations but also advised it not to provide services such as bookings.

5000 people prebooking

Such an announcement by the government of india is a major setback for Elon Musk and SpaceX. Sanjay Bhargava, who heads the SpaceX india branch, said about 5,000 people have prebooked for the Starling service in India.

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