Make rings with Beedi Smoke competition!!?

What's this? Smoking competition. Sing pulling a breath-choked beedi.

Chennai: In a village in tamil Nadu, many people were shocked when a sports competition was held like women smoking. Many have said that kids are more likely to be spoiled by this.Tamil Thirunalam pongal is celebrated in the month of January.Traditional Games Next to this is our traditional sports competitions.

There will be some fun sports competitions held in the villages to inspire the people. There will be competitions to strengthen family ties.Pongal game competition held in a village is in controversy as pongal is currently being weeded out all over tamil Nadu. This means that the women who take part in the competition will be declared the winner if they finish pulling the entire beedi quickly.A woman competing and smoking a fast beat has gone viral on social media amidst a huge crowd of villagers.

A woman who finally handed over a small amount of beedi to the contestant was declared the winner. But it is not known where this match took place.The government and various quarters have been raising awareness among the people that smoking is 'harmful to health'. But social activists have demanded that the police take action against the tournament administrators who hosted such a disgusting sport that women smoke.
 They have said that sports competition should be about encouraging others and not about hurting anyone.

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