Moonage Daydream Review: The David Bowie Documentary

In the age of Wikipedia deep dives, trying to summarise all David Bowie has accomplished is a fool's errand, and a life-spanning biography feels superfluous. But a full-length movie might be made to capture the spirit of David Bowie. Jane's writer-director Brett Morgen is experienced in interpreting symbols. Cobain: Montage of Heck, a 2015 HBO documentary directed by Morgen, received seven Emmy nominations for its innovative use of stunning animation. The evolution of documentary filmmaking may be outpacing that of all other genres in this regard. The ability to establish closeness between the subject and the viewer serves as a unifying theme. Moonage Daydream isn't very interested in David Bowie's impact on the world or the choices he made that affected his artistic output.
In this lengthy examination of his creative process, David Bowie describes a psychedelic experience devoid of any kind of organisation. Every scene in the movie is a collage of found footage, old concerts, and bright explosions of colour. Because the entire documentary is so lengthy, it is impossible to know for sure whether or not any sequences that appear to have been captured actually were. Numerous old movie stills and fire in the depths of space are additional visual elements. Viewers will feel more connected to the man at the film's conclusion than they did to the music.
A movie called Moonage Daydream is about David Bowie's way of thinking. It is a huge success in that sense. Morgen's achievement of interiority is nothing short of magnificent. The editing is excellent and exceptional. In one scene, Bowie is performing in 1975, and the camera alternately pans between him and a fan who is having a similar, nearly orgasmic experience. However, the two are cut together so quickly that they almost pass for one another. Similar to this, the sound editing combines Bowie's voice over musical instrumentals before cutting to a harrowing interview on his personal life. One image of Bowie enlarged into a myriad of stickers that fill the screen like a mosaic is possibly the coolest editing trick.

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