China Covid: Expert predicts three winter waves!!!

S Venkateshwari
China Covid: Expert predicts three winter waves!!!

China's epidemic expert Dr Wu Zunyou has warned that china may have to data-face one wave of corona after another. The first wave is going on at this time, in which the number of people coming into the grip of infection is increasing rapidly. The peak of this wave is likely to come by the middle of January. Till then lakhs of people will come under its grip. 

According to Dr Zunyou, the second wave of Corona may start from january 21 with the Chinese New Year, because during this time millions of people in the country move from here to there along with their families. After this, the third wave of infection will start at the end of february and it is likely to continue till march 15. This will be the period when people who have returned from vacation will start attending offices again in large numbers.

The release of death figures stopped

The Chinese government has classified the Corona figures after relaxing the restrictions of the zero Covid policy. Now china is not making public the death toll from Corona. This exercise has been started from 7th December. However, according to its media reports, since then the death toll has increased in the capital beijing and other big cities. 

According to a report in the Financial Times, more than 30 corona victims were cremated at the beijing crematorium on sunday itself, but the cause of their death was given as pneumonia. In the report Reuters, it has also been claimed that there are lines of dead bodies outside the cremation ground in Beijing. Due to this, it is known that the situation is getting worse. It has also been claimed in media reports that now china is reducing corona testing as compared to earlier.

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