Report: 40% Of Layoffs In USA Are Indian IT Talent

Global IT behemoths are declaring shockingly high layoffs amid recession fears. Since last November, the top IT corporations in the USA are thought to have let go of around 2 lakh staff. For the indian community, it is even more astonishing and disturbing since 40% of these laid-off employees are skilled IT professionals. According to reports, approximately 50,000 indians with H-1B visas are unemployed in the united states as a result of IT company layoffs, and they have 60 days or fewer to locate new employment.

If they don't find a new employment in the remaining 60 days, their visa will become invalid, at which point they'll have to travel back to India. According to reports, a small number of people have already entered the nation again, and many more may have to do the same in the upcoming few months. Another report claims that the percentage of telugu people who have been laid off is likewise rather high. Recent layoffs in the USA are claimed to have cost a number of telugu IT workers their jobs.

Most of the IT people are completely worried about their future as the layoffs are concerning and threatening their future which is at stake.

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