TN ESLC August 2023 Exam: Admit Card Download Link Activated.!

Sindujaa D N
As the 8th standard general examination for individual candidates is going to be held in august, the admit cards of the examination can be downloaded through the website from July 31, according to the Directorate of government Examinations.  

The 8th standard general examination for individual candidates is scheduled to be held from 07.08.2023 to 11.08.2023. Candidates who have applied online at the service Centers of the Examination Department to write this examination can download the admit cards from the website from the afternoon of 31.07.2023 (Monday) . 

Download Method: 

If you click on the word HALL TICKET on the above website, the title "ESLC august 2023 EXAMINATION - CANDIDATE HALL TICKET DOWNLOAD" will appear. You have to register your application number (Application Number) and date of birth (Date of birth) on the page that appears after mentioning the words "DOWNLOAD HALL TICKET" in it.  If you do so, the admit card will appear on the screen. You can download it.

The Directorate of State Examinations has informed that no candidate will be allowed to write the examination without the proper hall admit card. 

It has also been informed that individual candidates who have applied for the above examination will not be able to send any notification personally regarding the admit card. This is stated by Directorate of government Examinations.

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