In a first, woman officer assumes command of a Indian Navy ship
"In march of this year, our first cohort of Agniveers graduated from the award-winning INS Chilka. "What's more, this batch of Agniveers includes 272 female Agniveer trainees," Admiral Kumar remarked. "Going further, the second batch of Agniveers had a total of 454 women and I want to say that with the third batch, which has just been inducted, we have now crossed over 1,000 women affiliates in the Navy," he went on to remark.
The Chief of Naval Staff stated that these numbers demonstrate the Navy's policy of deploying women in all roles and levels, both for officers and for people below the rank of officer. "We also appointed the first woman to command an indian naval ship." "We have worked hard to constantly challenge the status quo in order to keep the navy on an aspirational and dynamic trajectory in the future," Admiral Kumar said. "Take a look at the year that has passed, and you will agree that 2023 has been a remarkable year for our country." "We have left our mark in a variety of sectors and spheres, whether in economics, diplomacy, or sports," the Admiral remarked.
"The last year has also been remarkable for the navy." During this time, our ships, submarines, and planes have maintained a high operational tempo, carrying out missions and responsibilities covering military, diplomatic, and law enforcement functions," he continued.