Revanth Reddy: Congress of Telangana swearing-in ceremony...

S Venkateshwari
Revanth Reddy: congress of telangana swearing-in ceremony...

According to a statement from the police, telangana congress head A revanth reddy has asked the local police to organize security for the incoming chief minister's swearing-in event on either december 4 or december 9. In telangana, revanth Reddy's party is predicted to win more than 60 seats, deposing chief minister and leader of the BRS, K Chandrashekar Rao.

According to reports, reddy requested on sunday that director General of police (DGP) Anjani Kumar organize security for the swearing-in ceremony.

The telangana police said today that he contacted and spoke with the DGP, Additional DGP (Law and Order), and ADG CID regarding the arrangements for the swearing-in event, which could take place tomorrow or on december 9.

Reddy allegedly informed them that the congress and the governor will meet to talk about the establishment of a government. "The President of the tpcc announced that Muhurtam, or auspicious time, will begin this evening. Thus, if it's feasible, they might think about holding swearing-in ceremonies tomorrow, december 4, or they might take an oath on december 9," the statement stated.

Reddy informed the police that a number of prominent officials from the national capital, including past chief ministers and chief ministers, are anticipated to attend the occasion. The venue of the event is probably Hyderabad's LB Stadium.

Each of the winning candidates would receive two Personal Security Officers (PSOs) per directive from the chief of telangana Police. The front-runner for the position of chief minister is revanth Reddy. The party hasn't yet released an official statement, though. He will take over for KCR, who has served as the state's chief minister since 2014.

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