Delhi University strategic plan found plagiarised, withdrawn

The academic council of delhi university met on wednesday to examine the university's strategic plan for the next 25 years. This 52-page paper, on the other hand, was riddled with instances of plagiarism from comparable publications from other colleges throughout the world, provoking heated resistance from council members and forcing the blueprint to be sent to a committee for revision.
The paper was pulled by the university's registrar, Vikas Gupta, to be rewritten by the committee that created it, and plagiarism was confined to 8% of the text. "Only 8% of the document was plagiarised, according to committee members." "However, we will return the document to the committee for revision," Gupta added.
According to a statement from the Vice-Chancellor's office, the V-C would evaluate the concerns raised by the members. "The Vice-Chancellor said that linguists and editors will also be included in the committee to look into the linguistic nuances of the draught," according to the press release.
The chairwoman of the committee did not reply to calls for comment.
The claims of plagiarism are not the first time the delhi university Strategic Plan (2022-2047) has been challenged. It was brought to the executive council for approval in June, but it was returned for modifications after several academics criticized it as a "clear blueprint for privatization and contractualisation."
Academic council members urged that the strategy should be modified to accommodate indian settings. An AC member, Vikas Gupta, pointed out that the draught does not mention secularism, reservation, or the phrase minorities. "The term Dalit appears only once, and that too about indigenous knowledge." "The term caste has been used only once, even though it remains the most important social phenomenon to reckon with in our personal and public lives," he continued.
"It started with a discussion about plagiarism because if we can't write our own document, what does that say about the university?" said Mithuraaj Dhusiya, another member of DU's academic council. However, because we were there, we went ahead and discussed the paper, emphasizing the lack of money."
For example, the university of Sheffield's vision and strategy plan page states, "Our motto "Rerum Cognoscere Causas" (to discover the causes of things) is as relevant today as it was when we were founded in 1905." However, the world has changed dramatically. We have progressed alongside the rest of the globe. Our objectives have evolved alongside us. Now we want to change the world, not simply comprehend it. We believe in bold action and are united in the belief that we can change the world for the better." This exact passage is in DU's strategic plan, with the motto modified to "Nistha Dhriti Satyam" rather than "Rerum Cognoscere Causas."

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