US Senate blocks Ukraine, Israel aid amid row over immigration at border

Legislation that would send billions of dollars in new security aid to ukraine and israel was stalled in the US Senate on wednesday as Republicans lobbied for harsher immigration controls at the US-Mexico data-border. The result was 49 in favor to 51 against, which means the $110.5 billion bill did not receive the 60 votes required in the Senate's 100-member majority to open discussion.
Every Senate Republican voted nay, as did senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who usually votes with Democrats but had raised misgivings about paying Israel's "current inhumane military strategy" against Palestinians.
Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer voted "no" as well, allowing him to present a move to review the resolution. Following the vote, Democrat Chuck Schumer warned it was a "serious moment with long-term consequences for the twenty-first century," endangering the demise of Western democracy.
Republicans said it was critical to make their case for stricter immigration laws and data-border control.
"Today's vote is what the Democratic leader needs to recognize that Senate Republicans mean what we say." Then it's time to vote. "And then let us finally begin meeting America's national security priorities, including right here at home," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said earlier on wednesday in a floor speech.
For months, congressional Republicans and Democrats have been debating how to respond to Democratic President Joe Biden's request for billions of dollars in funding for ukraine as it fights Russian invaders, israel following the Oct. 7 attacks by Islamist Hamas militants, US interests in the Indo-Pacific, and international humanitarian relief.


However, the White House's two requests for congress to enact budget bills have failed, and tempers are fraying on Capitol Hill as the standoff threatens to last beyond 2024. Democrats contend that help to friends is critical to sustaining global democracy and preventing dictatorship.

"Make no mistake: today's vote will be remembered for a long time." history will judge us harshly... we can't allow (Russian President Vladimir) Putin to prevail," Biden warned at the White House.
A group of Senate Democrats held a news conference to argue that rejecting the measure would send a message to both the US's rivals and friends that the US does not support its international partners.
"It's getting late. "We only have a few days to make clear, positive progress towards ironing out the final details required to demonstrate that the united states is a reliable ally," senator Chris Coons said.
Republicans argue that increased illegal immigration across the southern data-border with mexico is a major security risk, and they want more accountability than the Biden administration provides for U.S. taxpayer dollars that flow abroad.

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