Revanth reddy refused CM's convoy...!?
Revanth reddy refused to use government convoy before becoming telangana Chief Minister. revanth reddy has been confirmed as the future chief minister of Telangana. Recently, he went to New delhi as a regular mla and returned with the post of Chief Minister. Accordingly, officials prepared a special convoy of vehicles for the future cm to reach from airport. However, revanth politely declined, not wanting to use a government vehicle without taking responsibility.
This interesting incident took place at Begumpet airport on wednesday night. Mr. revanth reddy, whose congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='nationalist congress party-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">nationalist congress party won the telangana Assembly elections, was appointed as the chief minister of the state. Though congress leaders applied for the post, revanth reddy was the much qualified one. congress leaders summoned revanth to delhi and announced that he would be appointed as telangana chief minister. It was then officially announced.
Once the post of cm was confirmed, the authorities arranged for revanth to take the oath. Authorities have also prepared a convoy for Mr. revanth to arrive from delhi on wednesday night. revanth, who arrived in Begumpet on a special flight, was received by CS Shantikumari and DGP Ravigupta. Officials then asked the future cm to board a convoy prepared at the airport.
However, revanth reddy did not want to use an official vehicle without becoming the Chief Minister. So he left the scene in his own car, driving the government convoy back. However, for safety reasons, his car was followed by a police vehicle. From the airport, revanth arrived directly at Gachibowli Ela Hotel, where congress members are staying. Till then, his car was being tracked by the police and CM's security personnel.