2,40,000 plastic particles in a water bottle...? Shocking study!

Sowmiya Sriram
2,40,000 plastic particles in a water bottle...? Shocking study!
Plastic products are harmful not only to the environment but also to health. There are constant warnings about the dangers and implications of consuming liquids stored in plastic bottles. Plastic products are harmful not only to the environment but also to health. There are constant warnings about the dangers and implications of consuming liquids stored in plastic bottles. Studies show that drinking water in plastic bottles is harmful to our health and the environment. The habit of drinking bottled water is increasing rapidly all over the world with the idea of drinking clean water wherever we go. While traveling or wandering around the market, there can be no one among us who does not drink water from plastic bottles. Many people use plastic bottles to store water even at home. However, doing so is very dangerous to health. A recent study revealed that a 1-liter bottle of water contains about 240,000 nanoplastic pieces. We cannot see it with our eyes. These particles are so small that they can even enter human blood.
The study is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Scientists involved in the research say that the particles found in plastic water bottles are so small that they enter our body cells and bloodstream and destroy our body organs. Apart from that, these plastic particles can also reach the body of babies growing in the womb. These reach the fetus through the umbilical cord of the pregnant mother. This can cause danger to the life of unborn children.
Microplastics in plastic bottles are tiny plastic particles 5 millimeters or less. These plastic particles are smaller than 17th the width of our hair. It cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is the reason why a single plastic bottle contains more than 2 lakh particles, but no one sees them. These microplastic particles in plastic drinking bottles mix with water stored in plastic bottles. Research suggests that microplastics accumulate in our bodies over time, leading to health problems such as inflammation, oxidative stress, and organ damage. The study was conducted by researchers from Columbia university and Rutgers University. Previous studies have revealed the presence of nanoplastics in water bottles. However, this is the first time that the study has revealed such a large amount of nanoplastics in a single bottle. Plastic pollution is everywhere on Earth, but scientists were curious to see how much is in bottled water, so the study was undertaken. This is because plastic particles have a greater ability to enter the human body.
Earlier, a study published in 2022 found that bottled water had a higher concentration of microplastics than tap water. A 2021 report warned that the opening and closing of plastic water bottle caps could cause small pieces of plastic to enter the water, causing serious health hazards. Not only this, most plastic bottles are made from a material called polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This material releases harmful chemicals like biphenyl A (BPA) which leach into the liquids stored in them. This causes various health problems including hormonal imbalance, reproductive problems, and cancer.

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