Telangana Police plan various event during Road Safety Month

Telangana director General of police (DGP) ravi Gupta has asked all district SPs and commissioners to execute 'Road Safety Month' with extreme caution. The Union Transport Ministry has instructed all states to celebrate Road Safety Month from january 15 to february 14. Speaking on the occasion, the DGP stated that traffic accidents are a leading cause of mortality among adolescents. He claimed that road accidents may be reduced by engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency measures.
He stated that road accidents are on the rise as a result of an increase in the number of cars, a lack of care among passengers, and other causes such as failure to wear helmets and seat belts, excessive speeding, reckless driving, and using mobile phones while driving. According to ravi Gupta, 7,500 people died in road accidents in telangana in 2022, compared to 1,68,000 in india overall.
The DGP directed that road safety groups be established along roadways. He also commanded that district and commissionerate road safety bureaus be established in police offices. He stated that the prospect of acquiring speed guns and breathalysers using challan fine cash should be considered if required. According to the DGP, Good Samaritan awards can be given to anyone who save lives in traffic accidents. The DGP underlined to police officers that such steps should not only be implemented this month, but should be continued in the future.

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