Director Bala hit me at the shooting spot...!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Director bala hit me at the shooting spot...!?
A malayalam actress has made a sensational complaint that director bala hit her during the shooting of Vanangaan. bala made his directorial debut with Sethu. He made a huge impact with his first film, followed by directing films with different storylines like Nanda, Pitamagan, and Naan Kadavul, and emerged as an indispensable director of tamil cinema. The last film directed by bala was Varma. A remake of arjun Reddy's film, the film was abandoned halfway through.
After that, director Bala, who had not directed any film for about 4 years, committed to directing a film called Vanangaan in 2022. 2D produced the film with Suriya playing the lead role in the film. After just one month of shooting, Suriya announced that he was quitting the film. Subsequently, bala is making the film with Arun Vijay. The final stages of the movie Vanangan are currently in full swing. The film is jointly produced by suresh Kamatshi and director Bala. Roshini has acted opposite arun vijay in this. gv prakash Kumar has composed the music for the film. The teaser of the recently released movie Vanangaan has been well received by the fans. The movie is going to hit the screens soon.
Meanwhile, an actress has made a sensational complaint that director bala beat her during the shooting of Vanangan. While Suriya was acting in the film, malayalam actress Mamita Baiju was also acting in Vanangaan. At that time, she got three takes for one scene, bala beat her in anger. Mamita Baiju had said this in a recent interview. It is noteworthy that when Suriya left, Mamita also left the film.

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