Telangana Hyderabad - Durgam Cheruvu Lake pollution : What's the Action from Govt?

On Friday, march 1, the telangana high court chastised the state administration for failing to move quickly enough to put plans into place to rehabilitate Hyderabad's most popular tourist destination, Durgam Cheruvu Lake.
Dead fish were seen floating in the Durgam Cheruvu lake as a result of pollution and sewage, therefore the HC gave the state a two-week notice to provide its action plan for the lake's repair.
The court recently formed an expert team, led by NEERI's Atul Narayan Vaidya, to look into Durgam Cheruvu's deterioration and suggest practical restoration strategies.

Members of the telangana pollution Control Board (PCB) and the hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) are not on the panel since the high court has no trust in them and has accused them of being involved in the degradation of Durgam Cheruvu Lake. The HC also cautioned them not to try to sway the panel or impede the investigation.

The state's attorney made a representation that said the state was prepared to carry out the committee's recommendations to restore Durgam Cheruvu Lake. Still, it was also taking short-term measures while waiting for responses from other departments, including the PCB.
The court then asked the committee to make sure the measures were carried out in practice.
Aside from desilting the lake, the court has also highlighted growing encroachments on the Durgam Cheruvu Lake's buffer zones and whole tank level and has ordered answers about how to remove them.
The court once more voiced its displeasure with the PCB's operations and threatened to take legal action against it should it fail to take the required steps to restore the Durgam Cheruvu lake.
On march 11, the matter will now be heard.


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