After the hugely successful film Jailer, superstar Rajinikanth directed the epic failure Lal Salaam. The latter, which was helmed by Aishwarya, Rajini's daughter, was a total disaster at the box office. Upon being questioned about the movie, aishwarya made a false response. "The story was excellent at first," she said. After the intermission, Rajini's character was meant to appear and take center stage in the second part of the narrative.
But for practical reasons, we had to introduce Rajini's character early on in the first act since, without him, the audience would become restless. Thus, two days before to the publication, we made complete edit changes. That's where things may have gone wrong. We lost money by rearranging the cut two days before to publication, aishwarya said.
Internet users are taking offense at her attempt to cover up the huge tragedy, criticizing her for trying to justify her actions with flimsy justifications. In the name of editing, she makes an effort to hide all of her errors. She must accept responsibility for her writing and directorial errors and grow from them. It won't assist anyone to merely place the blame on editing. A netizen commented.