Telangana - Crackdown on unapproved mango ripening methods in Hyderabad Markets

The city's officials have begun to crack down on fruit vendors who ripen mangoes via illicit means. Seven city dealers have had lawsuits filed against them for using artificial ripening agents in the past week.
Mangoes, carbide, and ethephon chemicals were recovered during combined operations in city marketplaces by police officers and ghmc in the last several days. To ripen the mangoes in the storage facilities, the dealers were using unscientific procedures that presented a serious risk to public health.

The licensed pesticide ethephon produces ethylene gas, which aids in fruit ripening. It is strictly forbidden to use carbide stones to ripen mangoes. To protect consumer safety, ethephon is permitted within reasonable bounds and should be utilized in compliance with established protocols, according to a ghmc Food Safety Officer.
Each little sachet of the Ethephon chemical weighs five grams. Nevertheless, very few businesses meet the standards necessary to guarantee the safety and well-being of customers.

The usage of "China brands," which are imported from other States and have recently overtaken the market, is strongly discouraged by the government.
The ethephon powder manufactured under the china brand does not adhere to food safety standards. We are thus taking legal action against anyone who uses it.
The officer said, "There are other local ethephon powders that are offered in the market and the dealers are authorized to use them. According to a Department of Horticulture official, farmers were the subject of awareness programs on the usage of ethephon for fruit ripening throughout the State. fruits may be ripened using powder and ethylene gas chambers. According to the official, using artificial ripening techniques takes around 3–4 days, while using natural ways takes 7–8 days.

It is the dealers' responsibility to ensure that the fruit does not come into touch with any chemicals while it is ripening.
Authorities said that to shorten the fruit's ripening period, fruit dealers were physically storing ethylene powder sachets manufactured in china into the fruits, a technique that put consumers' health in danger. Officials clarify, "The sachet should be dipped in a bucket of water and then kept some distance away from the fruit consignment."


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