Anchor's S*X Blunder Confuses Anupama and Tillu - VIDEO

Expectations are high for siddhu Jonnalagadda's upcoming criminal caper Tillu Square, which is a follow-up to the beloved smash dj Tillu. With no significant competition this week, it is geared towards younger viewers and opens in theatres just in time for summer break. siddhu and Anupama Parameswaran, the film's heroine, have been actively marketing it on a number of networks. The anchor questioned them about how much pleasure they were having in the sex during one of the interviews.

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This inquiry momentarily stunned Siddhu, until Anupama clarified that the anchor meant sets, not sex. The anchor felt a little awkward as well because, despite her assertion that it just sets, it sounded like sex. The charming and seductive error made by the anchor made the three of them giggle heartily. youth are adoring this video clip that is now trending on social media. In actuality, it's receiving more attention than the sum of all of their previous campaigns. These kinds of moments truly engage viewers and pique their interest in the film.

The film has gotten more mileage and exposure from one short clip than from all of the promotions combined. Such scenes are quickly embraced and contribute significantly to the film's buzz. The movie has benefited greatly by this adorable and seductive blunder, which came at the perfect moment.

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