Megastar chiranjeevi praised tamil Nadu YouTubers..!?
Chiranjeevi, who is a leading actor in the telugu film industry, has admired the village Cooking Channel YouTubers from tamil Nadu. village Cooking Channel is one of the famous YouTube channels in tamil Nadu. Their specialty is to cook and publish various dishes according to traditional methods in the scenic environment of the village. This YouTube channel became very popular only in the year 2021. rahul Gandhi, who had come to tamil Nadu for the assembly election campaign, cooked food with them and enjoyed tasting it.
After that, village Cooking Channel, which grew tremendously, became the first YouTube channel in tamil Nadu to get 1 crore subscribers. In this situation, chiranjeevi, who is a megastar in the telugu film industry, praised village Cooking Channel while attending a film festival recently. What he said is now going viral on the internet. He said that chiranjeevi attended a meeting with auditors and lawyers at the end of the financial year. chiranjeevi said that during the meeting they were talking about something technical, which he did not understand clearly, so he silently picked up the phone and was watching the village Cooking Channel, which his daughter had recommended to him.
Chiranjeevi also commented that it was wonderful how they all greeted Vanga as "Always Welcome You". The funny thing is that while chiranjeevi was enjoying cooking videos, his team thought he was taking notes about the meeting. Hearing his speech, the audience burst into laughter. The village Cooking Channel team has thanked chiranjeevi for this appreciation.