Will the new government complete the Polavaram project..!?

Sowmiya Sriram

Will the new government complete the polavaram project..!?

-The seed of polavaram during the british era.

-Babu and jagan could not finish.

-How many more governments need to change?

The state of andhra pradesh is in a strange situation. Every year, thousands of TMCs from Godavari go wastefully into the sea. On one hand, thousands of TMCs of water, on the other hand, drying fields, lack of water supply, or industrial development, the polavaram project seems to be the solution. That is why this polavaram project is called the lifeline of Andhra. Sometime during the time of the british, the seed of this project was planted. Hundreds of water can be stored. Cultivation and drinking water can be provided to the entire AP. The industrial requirements of Visakhapatnam can be met. However, the construction of such a huge project has been going on for decades due to the sin committed by the Andhras.

YS Rajasekhar Reddy is credited with restarting this project, which was sown during the british era. But only canals are dug for his contracts. There are criticisms that he did not pay attention to the actual project. After that, there was no progress in this project till Chandrababu became CM.The construction of polavaram was revived due to the guarantee of national status given during the partition of the state. National status projects are usually constructed by the Centre. However, the Chandrababu government has convinced the center that the project should be built quickly in the interests of the state. This was possible because tdp participated in nda at that time. Since then, tdp claims that the Chandrababu polavaram project has been started. TDP says that polavaram was built fast withspecial attention being given to conducting reviews every week.

However, the prime minister later criticized Polavaram's calculations were not given correctly. Chandrababu used this project like an ATM. There are criticisms that Chandrababu has done the inauguration ceremony before even half of the project has been completed. The tdp leaders criticize that they have completed 80 percent but the jagan government has not been able to do even a little bit. And when it comes to Jagan's government, this has become a priority for him. In addition to this, the works of polavaram were completely stopped due to severe floods in the first year of coming to power. After that, it was argued that due to the negligence of the previous government when the diaphragm wall was built, it was washed awayand the diaphragm wall had to be built again.This caused stagnation in the work. Apart from that, when the jagan government came, the work went on slowly due to the rush to change Polavaram contractors, andreverse tendering.

Jagan's government criticized Chandrababu did only project works. It says that they are focusing on rehabilitation. If the new governmentafter the election focuses on this, the project is likely to be completed in 2-3 years. That is why both tdp and ycp have announced in their manifesto that they will complete Polavaram. It remains to be seen whether the new government after the elections will complete the polavaram in the next five years.YCP and TDP have the responsibility to ensure that polavaram does not become an election guarantee once again.

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