Leaders who don't care about commoners - People who ignore Elections

The general election festival is going on in the country. While polling is going to be held in total seven phases, polling for two phases has already been completed. The third phase of polling will be held on 7th of this month. The fourth phase of polling will be held on 13th of this month. But if we look at the pattern of polling in the first two phases, the decrease in polling percentage is evident. Why is the polling percentage decreasing? Why are people staying away from polling? Let's explore these reasons.
There are many reasons for the low turnout. Among them, scorching sun, harvest season on the other hand, long weekend holidays can also be seen as reasons for low turnout. But, above all there is another real reason and that is the most important thing. People's apathy towards elections is gradually increasing and why this apathy is increasing? Why are people not interested in elections?
If we look for the reasons for this, the political system of our country can be said to be the reason. Now there are mainly two alliances in the country. One is nda and the other is india Alliance. These two parties are prioritizing different issues in the elections. bjp is mainly moving forward by inciting religious issues. Finally, Modi is also criticizing congress leaders for looting the property of Hindus and distributing it to Muslims. On the other hand, congress leaders are not eating less. They fear that if bjp comes, they will remove the reservation and change the constitution.
But these two alliances do not pay much attention to public issues. people are also coming to the conclusion that no matter who comes to power, there will be no major changes in their lives. A few years ago, due to covid and long lockdowns, people were facing severe difficulties. Prices have been rising for years. Jobs are disappearing. People's incomes are falling. In this background where the people are engrossed in their own problems, we have to think whether they will show interest in voting.

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