Children's Mental Health Awareness Day...

S Venkateshwari

Children's Mental health Awareness Day...

It is important to look after children's mental health. A youngster with a sound mental state develops into an adult who is more mature and lucid. For a better life, it is equally critical that children have access to therapeutic alternatives. It is critical that a kid with mental health difficulties get access to the extensive treatment and assistance they require. Children's Mental health Awareness Day is celebrated annually with the goal of bringing attention to this issue. 

Date: May 7–May 13 is Children's Mental health Awareness Week every year. Children's Mental health Awareness Day is marked on May 7, which also happens to be the first day of Children's Mental health Awareness Week.

History: Children's Mental health Awareness Day was first observed in 2005 by the Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in the United States. The purpose of the event is to raise public awareness of mental health issues that affect children and youth and to encourage collaboration in the fight against these problems.

Significance: Raising awareness of the issues related to children's and youths' mental health is the ideal approach to observe Children's Mental health Awareness Day. In order to assist the local kids in overcoming their everyday obstacles, we can also become active in community events. The stigma around children's mental health needs to be broken, and we should approach the problems with an open mind. To that end, we may organize a children's mental health event where we can encourage individuals to join together and speak out about mental health illnesses. In order to treat, care for, and assist kids with mental health concerns, we can collaborate with medical professionals.

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