Interesting Stories of Cash Distribution in AP Elections

Without a doubt, andhra pradesh will have the most expensive election in all of India. In andhra pradesh, last-minute engineering is all about cash distribution, aside from the extravagant goodies offered after winning. Cash was formerly limited to voters who are below the poverty line. But the previous three elections have brought quite significant changes. In addition to taking money, the middle class and upper middle class often make demands. elections consequently grew expensive.
Between one-third and half of the money distributed in each of the seven mla constituencies under their seats is, on average, pitched by mp candidates. The remaining half will be added by the mla candidate. The mp candidates in sc and st reserved seats must to cover the costs of the mla candidates as well. However, in certain seats, voting costs less. The mla candidates must shoulder all the heavy lifting if the mp candidates are from reserved seats and they are financially unable to do so. The big parties are giving wealthy people mp tickets, and there's a good reason for this.
Most of the time, money is given out immediately. Some areas with high levels of police vigilance are seeing candidates hand out vouchers. These vouchers can be redeemed for cash at certain village or town establishments. For this, small Kirana stores, petrol Bunks, etc. are utilised. The second phase of cash distribution, which will take place tonight or tomorrow night, will involve some of the applicants who finished the previous round four days ago. This time around, candidates found it difficult to arrange for cash since the election commission is acting more proactively. All constituencies have received the money notwithstanding the high number of seizures. Regarding the allocation of funds, each candidate's thought process is distinct.

Some coalition candidates believe they are riding well in Godavari districts and don't think they will need to distribute enough cash or nominally. However, in the prakasam district, the alliance candidates are still handing out money even though they believe in the wave. Even from their sure-fire supporters, the candidates are not in the mood to turn down money. To voters in the regions that favour the opposition party, the same politicians are giving out twice as much. Some candidates in some seats avoided spending out of fear of losing. However, there is a lot of pressure to keep spending coming from both the local leaders and the central command of the parties.

A minister in rayalaseema is running a spartan campaign and has distributed virtually no cash. There is a mutual agreement between tdp and congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress candidates in numerous constituencies. Both parties shall distribute to the same number that they have agreed upon. Nobody makes more or less money. This is to guarantee that there is no rivalry while donating funds. Voters have the power to choose who to support, and money is not squandered. A sitting mla in west godavari has already given each DWACRA lady 1000 Rupees. He is now going to distribute 2,000 Rupees to his opponent. The opponent is now concerned that the DWACRA women's additional 1000 will have an effect. He may now also set up money for them.

There there was a group of people that would donate to one party and then vote for them. However, it was all before. All candidates will get money from the electorate. The candidates are certain that just because a voter accepts cash, it does not automatically indicate that they are the winner. They'll take money from either side and cast their votes as they see fit. However, they won't definitely vote if the money isn't delivered.


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