Telangana Hyderabad - Fish prasadam distribution to begin on June 8

The Bathini Goud family has stated that their famed fish prasadam will be distributed on june 8, which coincides with Mrigasira Karte, at the Exhibition Ground. Thousands of asthma patients attend this yearly event, believing that taking prasadam will help them feel better. On Saturday, May 18, the family announced that they had secured the required government approval for the event, and the police would handle security.

They further said that preparations for the prasadam had already started. According to Bathina Anureet Goud and gauri shankar Goud, the traditional technique is slipping a little piece of prasadam into the mouth of a live murrel fishling, which the patient subsequently swallows entire. Before distribution, specific pujas such as Satyanarayana Vratam and Bhavi Puja are performed.

CCMB scientists have devised a mechanism for detecting invasive fish that harm ecosystems and reduce fish capture. They created an eDNA-based quantitative PCR technique to map the presence and distribution of the invasive armoured sailfin catfish in the water bodies of the Eastern Ghats. This is a fish from South America that was introduced for its distinctive look and capacity to remove algae development in tanks and aquaria. However, it has already spread to 60% of the Eastern Ghats' water bodies, mostly in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and tamil Nadu, causing damage to fishing nets and the general environment.

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