Algae chokes Hyderabad’s Hussain Sagar

What was once a key supply of drinking water for the twin cities is now riddled with pollution apparent to the naked eye. Hussain Sagar, the city's well-known tourism and recreational area, requires attention and a thorough action plan.
While the water body's condition has long been a source of worry, new photographs and videos of heavy layers of algae and garbage floating over the lake have sparked major alarm among the general public and campaigners. Plastic bottles, covers, wrappers, and other debris that has been indiscriminately discarded in and on the lake's beaches demonstrate poor water quality. Both pedestrians and automobiles that pass by frequently cannot avoid its terrible odour.

Speaking of the algae layer, senior social scientist WG prasanna Kumar of the telangana State pollution Control Board (TGPCB) reveals that it occurs virtually every year amid extreme temperatures. "With the inflows being lower in summer, the concentration of phosphates and nitrates is higher and the water is likely to respond to sunlight, forming layers of algae," according to him. When queried about the quality of the water, he says the dissolved oxygen (DO) levels are low.
The lake's water is poisoned, according to new TGPCB statistics, which show that crucial indicators are steadily degrading. In February, the levels of biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and total coliform bacteria (TCB) all above acceptable limits.

Furthermore, water conservation specialists have often expressed alarm about effluents leaking into the Tank Bund from the Banjara Nala, as well as other inlets from nearby industrial and residential complexes. In addition to a thorough plan to reduce pollution, inflows during the monsoon season will benefit the water body's health.
Meanwhile, the hmda has started clearing pollutants with the use of machinery and contracted staff. One worker who claims to have been working on similar initiatives for a long time said, "I've been coming here and picking up rubbish from the lake for years now. Still, there is so much rubbish in this lake that I believe it will never be completely cleaned.

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