AP Education Hub: Next Japan for sure..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
AP education Hub: Next japan for sure..!?
-Andhra State is an education hub but it is sure to become another Japan.
-Quality courses should be provided free of cost.
-The State will definitely become number 1 in the country.

It should be said that a man has no more property than this. Because education can turn a poor man into a rich man. education is not only knowledge but also a way to change our lives. Great people like Ambedkar, Abdul Kalam, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Gandhi, and Swami Vivekananda who came from extreme poverty became so great because of their education. education is not just a means of survival. education is the weapon that makes a man a sage. If this weapon is used properly, there will be no poor person in the country. What if our Andhra state is a good education hub? One would be surprised to know how many benefits the youth have. If the youth does not become unemployed, the education system should change. Because the fingers of our hands are not the same, we cannot study the same. To solve the problem of unemployment in Andhra, courses should be introduced according to industries. Those industries should also be useful for our people and not for the benefit of the neighboring country.
If students are always made aware of such industries and provide courses according to them, there will be no unemployment in the state. If private employees are given good salaries as well as government employees, there will be no unemployment and poverty in the state. If quality skill development hubs, skill colleges in the district center, and universities are established in every constituency without any fee for the poor students in the state, our state will surely develop rapidly like countries like japan and Israel. If the state is to improve, there is no need for politicians to introduce various schemes. Free quality education, medical care, ration, houses for the poor. If these four are enough, there will not be a single poor person not only in the state but also in the country. Countries like China, Israel, and japan implement these methods and that is why those countries are so developed today. If the state is made an education hub by providing free quality education to the children instead of giving crazy schemes for free, many states in the country that are making fun of Andhra State will have to tremble.

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