If TDP loses, the situation will be worse..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
If tdp loses, the situation will be worse..!?
- tdp top leaders are threatened with cases if ycp government comes again.
- Cases and fights have to go around the courts for five years.
- Are the leaders who come out beyond Gadapa afraid of cases?
Everyone is interested in the results of the currently held parliament and assembly elections. tdp is saying that we will win, not the people are behind us. However, there is another week to get the actual result. No matter who wins, only one party will come to power. What will happen if the result is different from the hopes of the tdp leaders? is the question. This is not that the tdp should lose, but if it does, the situation will be worse, according to party leaders. A year before the elections, the party leader Chandrababu also said the same thing in the internal meetings. Already for the last four years, key leaders in the party have data-faced the case. From Achchennaidu to Yanamala Ramakrishna, Chinnarajappa to payyavula Keshav... Key leaders are stuck in cases in every district.
Among them are people like kollu ravindra who has a case of murder. Now, in Tadipatri, the JC brothers went around the courts every month saying police and cases. On the other hand, there is a case of skill scam against party leader Chandrababu. Also, the fiber grid scam registered against nara lokesh is currently pending. The cases registered against some others are also pending. If the tdp does not come to power tomorrow, there is no doubt that the cases will increase.

No wonder more cases were filed during this time. Whatever the reasons, the situation is common in front of the eyes. Due to this, the younger brothers will have to spend time in courts, cases, and legal battles for the next five years. At the same time, they may not even have a chance to speak. This has happened in the last four years. Only a few bravely came forward. The majority of the rest of the leaders were confined to their homes for fear of lawsuits. So if we don't win now, the observers are also predicting that this situation is sure to increase further.

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