Food Bloggers are the Real Culprits

The food industry is one of the few that has profited greatly from social media in recent years. Thousands of food bloggers, vloggers, and influencers have arisen in this "Instagram" era, offering their so-called professional judgements on various restaurants and culinary items.
We have recently witnessed raids on different restaurants by the Commissioner of Food Safety's task force teams throughout Telangana. They are revealing unsanitary conditions and ruined raw materials in the majority of these restaurants. Even many prominent high-profile restaurants were discovered to be violating sanitary standards, putting their customers' health at risk. Meanwhile, social media users following the raids and inspections are wondering where to dine if such circumstances exist even at high-profile restaurants. Furthermore, some individuals feel that food bloggers are a key contributor to the problem of unsanitary food provided in restaurants, particularly in Hyderabad.

In general, food bloggers visit a variety of eateries and restaurants across the city, and 90% of the time, they praise the cuisine without criticism. Every day, their promotions drive a large number of people to food booths and restaurants. As a result, many restaurants began prioritising their profits over public health. Most of these restaurants also pay food bloggers to post nice reviews or create promotional videos. In this approach, these influencers make a lot of money simply by advertising such restaurants.

In their pursuit of more likes, shares, and subscriptions, food bloggers concentrate entirely on flavour, ignoring the hygienic requirements of the restaurants. They openly neglect restaurant cleanliness, raw materials, and food hygiene requirements. If food bloggers took responsibility and utilised their power to educate the public about hygiene and criticise restaurants that did not adhere to sanitary requirements, the food industry might improve substantially. people are hopeful that, at least now, food bloggers and influencers will recognise the harm they are inflicting and begin discussing the significance of sanitation and the sanitary standards of restaurants in their evaluations.

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