Telangana Hyderabad - Drunk driving cases register a dip

Women drivers in Cyberabad's IT corridor appear to be discouraged by the prospect of going to jail if they are found operating a car while intoxicated. The traffic police have data from january to May of this year that shows a decrease in the number of women who are apprehended for driving under the influence.
In the course of the journey, eight women have been arrested by the police for driving while intoxicated in the previous five months, compared to 23 women during the same period last year. As per the police, there has been a significant decrease in the number of male drivers who have been captured operating automobiles while under the influence of alcohol this year.

Just 10,215 males were arrested for drunk driving in Cyberabad between january and May of this year, compared to 35,367 incidents during the same period the previous year.
According to a senior Cyberabad traffic police officer, drunk driving inspections are still conducted regularly across the jurisdiction, and extra traffic police teams are deployed on weekends. "There is a decrease in infractions as a result of tough enforcement and court convictions.
The official stated that although there were a lot of drunk driving incidents in the IT corridor regions, they have decreased as a result of ongoing awareness campaigns performed in conjunction with different stakeholders.

Police assertions of tight enforcement and knowledge are contradicted, nevertheless, by a few major incidents involving intoxicated drivers. At Raidurgam in April, a drunk driver left a man dead and eleven others wounded.
A technician from Pragati Nagar, Nizampet, partied till the wee hours of the morning with his pals, and on the way back in his car, he caused many accidents. Similarly to this, two people died recently near ORR Himayathsagar when a tanker driver who was perhaps drunk crashed his car into pedestrians.

In Raidurgam around the end of May, a drunk motorist ran a red light and collided with a motorbike, seriously hurting two painters, Satyanarayana and Kodari Kantha Rao.
Given that the bars are open late into the evening, drunk drivers cause chaos in the IT corridor districts. They roam throughout the colonies to drop off pals or go out to dine after their partying. Techie Anvish reddy said, "They drive drunk and cause accidents on their way home in the early hours when there is no drunk driving checking."
It should be noted that the majority of fatal collisions involving intoxicated drivers in Cyberabad occurred in the small hours of the morning, specifically between 3 and 7 am.


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