Telangana - Power demand witnessing downward trend

With the entrance of the Southwest monsoon, the State's electricity consumption has been declining. The electricity consumption in the State has dropped significantly to 191 million units in june, from over 280 million units in May and 298.19 million units in march, according to statistics from the Transmission Corporation of telangana Limited (TGTRANSCO) website.
In actuality, the State's electricity consumption has been ranging between 177 and 190 mu for the past week. The greatest peak demand of 15,623 MW on march 8 was far higher than the maximum power demand of 9160 MW that was satisfied on Monday.

In actuality, it was one of the lowest in recent memory on june 9 at 8019 MW. The electricity transmission system has had a reprieve from recent rains and mild weather, which has reduced the system's total load. In the upcoming days, power authorities anticipate a further decline in the electricity demand.
This is mostly because of the State's ongoing rains, which reduced the amount of electricity needed by the agriculture industry. During the Kharif season, the farming sector's needs will typically account for around 45% of the state's overall demand. Additionally, the need for electricity from other customer sectors decreased as a result of the rain, according to the officials.

Because of the rain and overcast weather during the past 10 days, hyderabad City has also seen a decrease in electricity consumption. After recording 86.15 mu on june 1, the power usage decreased to 72 mu on june 7 and 60.55 mu on june 9.
The city's electricity usage was 68 mu on june 11. In march, the city's average consumption was 72.02 MU, and in April, it was 79.93 MU. On May 3, inside the ghmc boundaries, the greatest consumption of 89.71 million units was recorded.

However, because of the rain and chilly weather in june, the city's electricity consumption is declining. According to the officials, this has reduced the State's demand for power and decreased the need for cooling for residential customers.

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