Payyavula Keshav is guaranteed to gain more fame..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
payyavula keshav is guaranteed to gain more fame..!?
*  Keshav is making full use of the opportunity he got.
* payyavula is getting people's appreciation.
* YSP leaders are unable to give counters to payyavula Keshav.
Payyavula Keshav's name is getting a lot of buzz after the ap election results. payyavula keshav, who has been in the news by breaking the sentiment that it will be difficult for any party to win in Uravakonda, is making full use of the opportunity he got after getting the ministerial post. payyavula keshav is currently the finance minister of AP. payyavula keshav, who has been in the news for giving respect to ycp leader jagan regarding some matters, is at the same time fuming by talking about rules. It has been revealed that payyavula keshav, who previously said that he wants to have an opposition in ap, will not get the status of opposition but will only get the post of floor leader of YCP. He defamed YSP saying that it would take ten years for jagan to get opposition status.
He also says that in telangana in the past even congress did not get the status of opposition. By saying that jagan tried to threaten the Speaker by writing a letter, it can also be understood in what range payyavula targeted the YCP. On the other hand, YSP leaders are unable to give counters to payyavula Keshav. It is a plus for payyavula keshav that he is giving excellent counters without giving in to criticism. There are few leaders who speak the subject as well as payyavula Keshav. It can be said that if the tdp leaders also criticize payyavula keshav in the same way, then there will be opportunities for the alliance to get closer to the people. The comments indicate that payyavula keshav is guaranteed to gain more fame in the days to come.

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