The narrative of "Brinda" centers on a girl named Brinda (Trisha Krishnan), a Hyderabad-based superintendent of police, who becomes suspicious after a death is nearly attributed to suicide. She chooses to disregard this viewpoint because her instincts urge her to, which leads to the horrifying murder of someone else. The more research she does, the more startling details regarding the identity of the enigmatic killer and his motivations for carrying out these killings come to light. Who murders? What causes his deadly rampage? What is the reason behind Brinda's intense interest in this case?
Trisha Krishnan does an excellent job of playing a perfect police officer in her first web series. Its outstanding performance displays a wide range of emotions that contrasts beautifully with the plot of mysterious deaths. The program gets off to a great start and draws people in right away. Episodes one through four are really well-written, with suspense developing and cliffhangers that make it difficult for viewers to put the show down quickly enough. The background soundtrack is outstanding and enhances the entire experience, to top it all off.
"Brinda" is a great option. Settle in, grab some popcorn, and devour this compelling series.