Kavya Maran's bold request to BCCI..!?
With the mega auction for the IPL series to be held in December, a meeting of owners of 10 teams was held in Mumbai. In this consultation meeting, while various parties requested to follow the old rules, a request was made by CSK to retain Dhoni. Similarly, mumbai and KKR said that mega auctions are no longer necessary and mini auctions will be sufficient in the future. In this situation, the comments made by hyderabad team owner Kavya Maran are coming out. Accordingly, he advised that bcci should provide 2 types of opportunities to retain the players. This means that at least 6 players should be allowed to be retained or given to teams through 6 RTM opportunities. Maybe the old-fashioned 4 players would be retained, 2 would be fine given RTM chances. Because every team is built in a different style.